朱崇豪傳道 2021 於北美中華福音神學院 道學碩士畢業。朱傳道曾在不同教會的查經班、主日學服事數十年。2020年9月開始在恩信基督教會實習。在陳信銘牧師帶領下,學習服事眾弟兄姐妹,以傳道、禱告、彼此相愛、傳福音為教會方向。透過信徒查經,講述神學,並各樣訓練裝備聖徒,以至弟兄姐妹生命成長,一起全心服事敬拜主耶穌基督。

Pastor Howard Chu graduated from the China Evangelical Seminary North America(CESNA) on June 26, 2021. He has been serving in Bible study groups and teaching in Sunday schools at various churches for a few decades. He started to serve as an intern at Faithfulness Christian Church in September 2020. Under the mentorship and guidance of Pastor Joseph Chen, he learned to serve brothers and sisters,  in turn, serving the Lord Jesus Christ at FCCNJ. The church’s worship and pastor’s main focus is to Preach, to Pray, to Love each other, and to Evangelize.  Through the bible study,  theological teaching , sharing and caring to achieve the ministry goal which is to equip brothers and sisters to grow in full capacity to serve and to worship our Lord Jesus Christ whole heartily.